Healthy Habitats: Climate Change Action for K-2


Healthy Habitats: Climate Change Action for K-2 is a curriculum that introduces young learners to climate change through local habitats. Topics include ecosystems, climate change, climate impacts, and climate actions.

Cover of the healthy habitats curriculum featuring a fox, a deer, and the silhouette of a bighorn sheep on a blue, orange, and green backdrop.


The strengths of this resource are:

  • this resource addresses nearly all of our content and process criteria
  • includes excellent activities connecting kids to outdoor spaces, practicing mindfulness for climate anxiety, and guiding thoughtful conversations
  • includes helpful extension activities, resources, and appendix tips
  • discusses climate in developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive ways

Users should note that:

  • some of the activities may require lots of supplies, and not all resources were free or easy to use

At a Glance


  • A document with 3 lessons including stories, hands-on activities, and an action project


  • Content is geared towards K – 2nd grade
  • We recommend using it with learners in grades 2 – 4


  • Should be facilitated by an adult or youth leader who has emotional awareness skills and can address injustice and eco-anxiety

Last Updated



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