Curriculum Jams

young person speaking in a group seated around a table

Curriculum Jams

Bringing more voices into curriculum selection

“In a way, [a Curriculum Jam] allows people who are not intimately involved in building the curriculum to be able to really provide… important guidance.”


“I think the great part about the process is everybody brings their own experience, and… I felt I had something to add, but I was only a piece of the puzzle.”


Curriculum Topics

Disability Awareness Training for Adults

Disability awareness training is a foundational step for adults who work with young people. By increasing understanding and awareness as well as skills to implement inclusive programs, we can create safer, more welcoming learning spaces for all.

Disability Self-Advocacy and Allyship for Youth

Disability advocacy skills are essential for youth with and without identified disabilities. By learning how to advocate for their needs and support their peers, youth can help create learning environments of care, support, and community.


Inclusive environments are made up of people who use inclusive practices. Training activities and resources can prepare staff to lead programs that are safe and welcoming for all, supporting gender inclusion in and beyond camp.

Training Youth to Facilitate Conversations

Strong communities are ones where people can have conversations about the things that matter to them. By training youth to facilitate important conversations within their communities, we promote youth leadership and civic dialogue.

Post-Secondary Transitions

High school completion is a major milestone in a young person’s life. Post-secondary transition resources help youth develop the skills they need to gain greater independence and succeed in the world.

About Curriculum Jams

Curriculum Jams are an engaged process for reviewing and selecting the highest quality, most culturally relevant educational resources on a topic.

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