The Participatory Facilitation Techniques Workshop Curriculum is a resource that trains participants in facilitation skills. The guide addresses practices for generating ideas and managing meetings which can be used for facilitator training.

We recommend the following parts of this curriculum:
- “Dealing with Dominating Speakers” (pgs. 13-4)
- “Dealing with a Negative Participant” (pgs. 14-5)
- “Participatory Facilitation Techniques” (pgs. 18-22)
The strengths of this resource are:
- step-by-step descriptions of activities that could be engaging for learners
- a variety of group engagement and decision-making activities that could be used for different groups
- a combination of big-picture topics with concrete suggestions and tactics
- activities build in time for participant reflection
Users should note that the resource:
- is not focused on a youth audience
- assumes a baseline of facilitation skills among participants
- lacks an emphasis on continuous contact after sessions
Therefore, we advise that the recommended content be embedded within a youth-focused curriculum that establishes basic facilitation skills and outlines strategies for follow-up after sessions.
At a Glance

- 29-page document with introduction and 3.5 hour workshop
- Includes tipsheets and surveys to evaluate effectiveness
- Assumes existing skills in facilitation
- Recommended workshop size is 17-20 participants
- Requires an experienced youth and/or adult facilitator
Last Updated